The context
We promote the right to health by supporting public structures and, with global health in mind, we work hand in hand with the other related sectors of intervention: food, water, education, rights and humanitarian aid.
In the poorest areas, health interventions complement the fight against malnutrition of children and their mothers. In order to guarantee access to treatment and an improved quality of the services offered, we created and strengthened 28 healthcare facilities for over 2 million people, supplying equipment and supporting their management.
thousands health services provided
thousands prevention activities carried out
mln people reached
An efficient health promotion starts with the health workers, doctors and volunteers serving the communities. This is the reason why, in the last year, we organised 128 refresher courses, involving almost 1,400 people. By launching wider campaigns on public health, nutrition and hygiene, maternal and reproductive health, prevention against HIV, ebola and malaria, we reached almost 122,500 people, reducing their risk of contracting diseases.