In the framework of the YouLead project and the “Exponi le tue idee!” debate contest, in December 2022 4 local meetings were organized in which a total of 52 teachers and other relevant stakeholders of the educational community participated (school principals, educators, student representatives, representatives of local associations).
The 4 local meetings took place in 4 different Italian cities:
- Bergamo: 21st December 2022
- Pisa: 13th December 2022
- San Lazzaro di Savena (Bologna): 14th December 2022
- Seregno (Monza-Brianza): 19th December 2022
Furthermore, at the “Istituto Tecnico Industriale Marconi" in Gorgonzola (Milan), in collaboration with the school, a fifth local meeting was held on 12th December 2022, which was attended by 8 other teachers from the school.
In total, therefore, 5 meetings were held with 60 participants (21 males and 39 females).
The meetings lasting about 2 hours and the objectives of the meeting were:
- Insight into the aims of the initiative;
- Deepening of the methodology of the debate and of the regulation of the initiative;
- Sharing of the process and methods of inclusion of the debate activity in the training curriculum in order to ensure the sustainability of the project.
For more information about the Youlead project clic here