The aim of the YOULEAD project is the activation of European students in the democratic and civic life of the European Union through the deepening of EU-related topics by the methodology of debates. In this way, the students will have the opportunity to discuss each other and exchange opinions in order to find effective and coherent solutions in the field of climate change.
YOULEAD is based on a participatory approach that makes youth (16-19 years old) as focal point of the intervention. The aim is to enable boys and girls to contribute to the definition of a set of priorities, which will then be discussed with EU representatives, and at the same time to experience civic participation.
- European survey. A survey aimed at collecting the opinions of young people (15-35 years old) on their perception of democratic participation and EU values will be launched in the 5 countries participating in the YOULEAD project.
- National meetings to promote the debate competition. Local meetings to launch the debate competition for secondary schools in the presence of 50 teachers and other stakeholders from the educational community (headmasters, institutions, local authorities).
- Teacher training on debate methodology.
- National online teacher training: after face-to-face meetings in each country, an online preparatory meeting on debate methodology will be held to introduce European teacher training.
- European teacher training on online debate methodology: a selected group of teachers will participate in the European session. It will also be an opportunity to share knowledge, experiences, reflections useful for the implementation of debates in all the 5 countries involved.
- National debating contests. Nationwide debate tournaments will be organised for students aged 15-19. Groups of 6 students will be asked to debate the pros and cons of a selected topic. Each debate takes place in the presence of a jury of 3 experts who will select the winning team by evaluating teamwork and shared responsibility, research and preparation of topics, commitment, interest and inclusion/participation within the teams. Within this activity is Exponi le tue idee! In its 9th edition, whith the aims to make schools and territories main characters, in the national debate on topical issues as a participatory exercise in democracy and citizenship.
- National Finals. The selected team from each school involved will be invited to participate in the national final in May/June 2023. The participating teams will have the opportunity to hold a series of debates and meet teams from other participating regions. A group of 20-25 students from the best teams in the final will be invited to the EU preparatory meeting.
- European online preparatory meeting for school students. After the finals in Italy, Austria, Greece, Hungary and Slovenia, a specific online meeting will be held for the four best teams from the finals. The objective of the preparatory meeting will be:
- sharing the experience among peers from different countries;
- to present the next stages of the YOULEAD project;
- define common criteria for selecting national representatives to meet the European institutions in Brussels.
- European preparatory meeting of national youth delegations in Brussels. Based on the common criteria defined and the applications received, a delegation of five young people per country will meet in Brussels. The preparatory meeting will be an opportunity to meet the young delegates from other countries in person, share their feelings and strengthen the sense of teamwork.
- European online training for national student delegations. All European students selected during the national finals will be involved in a 4 meeting online training. The training will serve to increase their knowledge of political processes and climate change issues. The participants will share their views, idead and opinion, that will result in a common Manifesto.
- European Youth Conference in Brussels. National delegates, will meet EU representatives, especially MEPs from the 5 countries and officials dealing with youth issues. The meeting will be held both in presence and via streaming. The national delegates will present the Manifesto produced during the meetings and trainings, gathering the demands and proposals of all the young people involved.
- European multistakeholder online event. After the meeting in Brussels, an online meeting will be organised in which the young people will tell their experience, their views and their proposals to other peers and national stakeholders.