The role of the future EU legislation on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence in the agriculture and food supply chain
- Title
- The role of the future EU legislation on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence in the agriculture and food supply chain
- Publication Date
- Giugno 2022
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The present study is focused on the proposed EU directive regarding the introduction of mandatory corporate human rights and environmental due diligence, and the impacts that it could have specifically on the agri-food sector.
The research has emerged within the project Our Food Our Future (CSO-LA/2020/411-443), funded by the European Commission as part of the DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) Programme.
It is supported by WeWorld and another 15 European organisations with the goals of encouraging new consumption models, sustainable food supply chains, fair trade relations, and respect for male and female workers’ human rights as well as of changing the economic systems that perpetuate inequality and the monopolising of resources, with serious consequences in terms of respecting the human rights of the most vulnerable groups and safeguarding the environment