Earthquake Emergeny Response in Syria (2023-2024)

Among the long-term response to the Earthquake, there is the project funded by ChildFund Korea and Community Chest of Korea, which objective has been to restore access to sufficient safe drinking water and promote good hygiene practices preventing diseases outbreaks within earthquake-affected areas of Aleppo City and rural Aleppo.

Earthquake Emergeny Response in Syria 2023-2024
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Among the visible consequences of the conflict and the earthquake combined, is the destruction of crucial infrastructure needed to provide basic services, such as access to safe and sufficient water. Years of conflict had already heavily compromised access to water and sanitation, nonetheless, in the areas affected by the earthquake. In the Governorate of Aleppo for example, the seismic shocks caused the further collapse or deterioration of infrastructures such as water reservoirs, water towers, water stations, networks, and of sanitation facilities and systems.

In the aftermaths of the earthquake, the related needs have been therefore exacerbated by the pre-existing weaknesses of the water systems and the lack of access to safe and clean water by the Syrian population, exposing the population to the risk of infectious diseases.

WeWorld's immediate response combined WASH, Education and Shelter and NFI interventions. The overall midterm emergency response was integrated and harmonized among different funding streams, eventually exponentially elevating the impact of each single intervention and ensuring the resumption of basic services interrupted by the earthquake.