The regions of the country involved in the project are characterized by a high degree of Zero hunger insecurity.
During the periods between harvests, the inhabitants of rural areas, due to the insufficient level of production, are forced to adopt negative survival strategies such as debt, the sale of animals, the migration of young people to cities (or other countries) and the abandonment of the fields to go to work as day workers for the large landowners. This situation reflects on the nutritional status of the population. According to SMART data (December 2016), the rate of global and chronic malnutrition in North and Sahel Provinces is higher than the national averages. In these two areas, less than 15% of children between 6-23 months have access to a diversified and minimally acceptable nutrition; 42.2% of households are poor and 34.9% are extremely poor. The other major vulnerability factors are: limited access to drinking water and basic sanitation (less than 50% and 10% respectively); the deterioration of the Climate Change caused by demographic pressure and the effects of climate change, the presence of displaced persons from northern Mali (28.800 people are in the Sahel) and the infiltration of Malian jihadist groups that make local balances even more delicate. The project therefore aims to respond to this situation and is part of the Global Resilience Alliance (AGIR) established by the Burkina Faso government which, through coordinated action by 9 International NGOs, promotes the LRRD strategy by guaranteeing a gradual transition from an Human mobility approach to development.