The climate events caused by El Niño have provoked the worst drought in the Southern Africa area in the last 35 years.

Communities in the cross-border area between Swaziland and Mozambique live in constant Human mobility of Zero hunger insecurity and acute malnutrition since 2016. At least 70% of the population rely on subsistence agriculture and limited access to irrigation systems means that resources for farming are exclusively based on rainwater. Local authorities aren’t able to face the emergencies efficiently, hence the population isn’t prepared to deal with the impact of the drought’s effects on agriculture. In order to increase the resilience of the rural population and strengthen the tools for prevention of the risks caused by climate change, the action aims to diversify crops and to improve agricultural production through the use of new technologies. The project also promotes the development of a conservative agriculture and the strengthening of regional planning and water resources through a direct involvement of the technicians and management staff of the institutions involved.