The context of intervention

The Action seeks to reduce the effects and presence of sexual violence in Nicaragua against girls, boys and adolescents in all its forms and manifestations, strengthening the protection and care of survivors or those at risk of sexual violence, in the North Caribbean Autonomous Region (RACCN) and in the Department of Matagalpa. 20% of sexual crimes and 40% of femicides reported in 2020 are concentrated in these territories. For women, girls, boys and adolescents who live in these zones, the challenge of fighting violence is greater, due to intersectional factors of ethnicity, cultural identity, conditions of poverty, etc. These entail fewer opportunities for training, access to decent housing, use and control of resources, isolation from support services and protection against violence, thus increasing their vulnerability.

The ¡PARA! project

To enhance care and response for survivors of gender-based violence, an intervention logic is applied to address protective factors, such as the availability of shelters or safe spaces; services that integrate quality responses (healthcare, psychological, and legal), and the creation of community surveillance and care responses, also promoting inter-institutional coordination. These efforts will focus on bolstering three key domains:

  • Access to comprehensive protection and care services through shelters or safe spaces that guarantee high-quality responses.
  • Economic development, undertaking economic initiatives as a sustainability mechanism for shelters; primarily through the establishment of a sewing workshop for the production of menstrual underwear.
  • Lastly, the focus at the community level is on strengthening community protection networks. This encompasses the promotion of training, educational programs, and awareness campaigns at the local and departmental levels concerning sexual and reproductive health, sexual diversity, menstrual hygiene, and the prevention of gender-based violence.