Despite years of efforts and significant learning experience, extending financial services to large numbers of poor people in rural or remote areas is still an important challenge. Microfinance plays an increasing role in rural economies and microcredit is a consistent poverty eradication tool. From poorest countries microcredit expanded all over the world and involved more than two hundred million people in all continents, in developed and developing countries. A very typical developing world experience is now drawing more and more interest in the developed world: that’s also a product of globalised and interdependent society, a positive one. A number of ethical banks and ethical banking services, based on the ideas of solidarity, self-responsibility and self-help, have grown up all around the world, including Europe, and now offer opportunities to individuals to chose an ethical and sustainable finance benefitting them, their communities and also the poorest populations in developing countries. The action aiming principle is that the inclusion of microcredit knowledge, methods and ethical values in secondary school curricula will not only raise awareness of development issues but also develop students’ and young citizens' awareness and critical understanding of the interdependent world and their role and responsibility in relation to a globalised society and finally provide them with knowledge and tools to act coherently. Educating young generations to a new ethical and social way of collecting, saving and spending money means to directly contribute to mobilise their support for action against poverty and for fairer relations between developed and developing countries, and to change attitudes to the issues and difficulties facing developing countries and their peoples.