The importance of educating for global citizenship education starting from the school years, is firmly upheld by the Sustainable Developmente Agenda 2030, which on its goal 4 recitates precisely: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. The project operates on the three axis of GCED: formal education, non-formal education and informal education, aimed at raising awareness among young people on such topics of Global Citizenship Education and and the role they play to strive for a Sustainable Development.

© AnnalisaBonvicini/WeWorld
The project aims at laying the foundations for long-term actions through permanent tools such as the establishment of an inter-regional Global CItizenship Education Coordination Table, aimed at developing Territorial GCED Action Plans designed on a regional level and at monitoring their implementation. Alongside these activities, there is also the analysis of some strategic and programming documents of the different partner regions, such documents deal with local policies of sustainable development and the entire regional and sectoral system.
WeWorld will implement GCED some initiatives aimed at young people ages 14-21 and designed for formal and informal education contexts through the partnership with some NGOs that are part of COONGER (Emilia-Romagna NGO Coordination). Furthermore, a contest aimed at youg people involve in the 5 areas of intervention of the project will be launched and extended to the young people ages 14-35 coming from the region of Emilia-Romagna. This contest aims at gathering some ideas and functional practices to communicate such GCED topics to the yputh and the pivotal role that it holds to prompt a Sustainable Development.