Fuori Fase APS, in collaboration with WeWorld, launches the first edition of the FASE Open Call!
The Open Call is open for young photographers under 35 (born in 1988 or later) interested in having an experience in the world of NGOs, humanitarian aid and development cooperation.
The subject of the portfolio must be consistent with one of the following themes: social justice, climate justice, human rights, rights of marginalised subjects or communities.
To participate to the open call, you must submit a portfolio of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 photos, with an internal narrative coherence.
The photos must be sent via WeTransfer to festival@fa-se.it by August 31st, with a short biography and a text which describe the portfolio, with an overall maximum length of 300 words.
The evaluation committee will be composed by WeWorld, the artistic direction of the FASE Festival and the Fuori Fase Association. The results will be announced by the end of September 2024.
The winner of the FASE Open Call 2024 will have the opportunity to receive an assignment awarded by WeWorld, worth 1,000 Euros plus transport fees covered. The work will consist of a photographic project in one of the 26 countries in which WeWorld operates, in Europe or worldwide.
The project of the winner will also be presented at the FASE Festival 2025, in Otranto.