In the framework of the project #Rebooting the Food System: Youth Engagement for Agroecology and Due Diligence (Reboot), WeWorld and the project coordinator Christliche Initiative Romero e.V. (CIR) are launching a Call for Proposal for CSOs in Portugal, Spain, Poland, Estonia, Slovakia and Czech Republic.
With this Call for Proposals, CSOs in the 6 countries listed above can receive financial support to implement educational, campaign and advocacy activities at the national level to support the cause of #Reboot. The Call is open to grassroots-oriented CSOs with a strong track record and who reach out and work with youth.
Do you want to know more? Read the full Call for Proposals here.
FAQ about the call for tenders here.
Communication and Amendments here.
- To empower youth (15-30 years old, ideally also the less engaged ones) to actively mobilize, campaign and advocate for agroecology and for fair and sustainable food systems.
- To engage institutions providing food in promoting sustainable food system, also involving other target groups, and in particular youth (directly or indirectly). This second objective is not obligatory but strongly encouraged.
- To provide and share capacities and experiences for the Reboot project, in terms of thematic expertise, capacity of involvement, innovative methodologies for global citizens education, etc.
a. Promote youth activism in a relevant and concrete way, following the Engagement Pyramid framework: knowledge of the target groups, alliances with key stakeholders, capacity of involvement and mobilization are essential.
b. Promote youth activism among less involved and non-active youth on global food supply chains or agroecology.
c. Engage newly involved institutions providing food in promoting sustainable food system in the project with demonstrable commitment
d. Have an intersectional approach on human and labour rights in supply chains, with a focus on the interconnection with environmental aspects and gender topics.
e. Have a strong capacity-building and partnership approach, promoting multi-stakeholder collaborations among different target groups.
f. Involve people who are directly impacted by the negative effects of the global challenges (women, girls, migrants, youth and other marginalized people).
- Activities that empower active citizens to actively campaign and advocate for a fair and agroecological food system by participating in training and exchange activities
- Campaign, communication and outreach activities involving youth (preferably co-designed and co-realised with youth)
- Advocacy activities at local, national and international level
- Management activities that contribute to a strengthened involvement and participation in the capacity-building of the project (e.g., organisation of trainings/meetings, elaboration of factsheet, toolkits or other training materials, promotion of innovative collaborative tools and methods)
Do you want to know more? Read the full Call for Proposals here.
FAQ about the call for tenders here.
Communication and Amendments here.
The Call will finance at least one project in each country. The maximum financial support is limited to 60.000 EUR per project proposal.
- Request the Third-Party Dossier through this form
- Send the full application (complete with all the necessary annexes) to the e-mail address reboot@weworld.it no later than 23rd February 2025 at 6 pm CET. Applications received after this date will not be considered.
- Project proposal will be evaluated by a committee and the results will be published on 17th March 2025
- Projects are meant to start on 28th March 2025 and end on 30th November 2026.
Do you have any questions on the Call for Proposal and/or the application process? You can submit them to the email address reboot@weworld.it before 7th February 2025 and we will publish a FAQ Document.
- Template technical proposal (see Annex 1)
- Template budget proposal (see Annex 2)*
- Declaration by the third party (see Annex 3)
- Official documentation on the legal and non-profit status of the CSO (Statute/Charter stating that the CSO is a legal person officially registered, and expressing its aims and purpose)
- Further documents (e.g. Organisation’s CV, Internal SEA-H policy, Code of Conduct) must be attached only if relevant and in 1 unified PDF file.
The project #RebootingTheFoodSystem is co-financed by the DEAR Programme of the European Union and realised by a consortium of 14 CSOs from 9 countries, with the aim to raise awareness and mobilize young people as agents of change towards a fairer and more sustainable food system.
Find out more on the project here.
FAQ about the call for tenders here.
Communication and Amendments here.
*On January 24th, 2024, the deadline for the submission of the Proposals has been extended from 9th February 2025 to 23rd February 2025, and, consequently, all the other deadlines related to the Call for Proposals have been updated: the Call For proposals Text was updated in the “Section 9 – Deadlines and Timeline”. All the amendments made to the Call for Proposals text can be found here: Communications & Amendments