Our Social Responsibility Report is online. It allows us to show the impact of our work, in Italy and worldwide

  • In 2021 WeWorld turned 50. Fifty years of commitment around the world to guarantee the rights of the most fragile and vulnerable people. Fifty years of work alongside communities in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe. In 2021 there were many countries in which WeWorld intervened, in emergency contexts and in situations of development and growth of communities.
    Marco Chiesara
    Marco Chiesara WeWorld President
  • In Europe we are experiencing a conflict based on the essence of human rights: our borders are open to those fleeing the war in Ukraine but closed to those fleeing the Syrian one, the Afghan condition, the dozens of conflicts present on the African continent. For us at WeWorld, guaranteeing equal rights to all people is the starting point of every project and organisations.
    Dina Taddia
    Dina Taddia WeWorld Managing Director

Our work

In 2021 we worked in 25 countries worldwide to meet the needs of the most vulnerable, especially women, boys and girls, the disabled and displaced, refugees and migrants.

The beneficiaries

In 2021 we worked for a concrete improvement in the living conditions of 8,190,666 people in 25 countries. Thanks to awareness-raising projects and communication and advocacy campaigns, we reached 15 million people in Italy and Europe.

  • 0% Beneficiaries around the World
  • 0% Beneficiaries in Italiy

The people

The people who work with WeWorld represent our most precious resource, thanks to their motivation, highly specialised skills, methodologies and tools, which are modulated to the context in which we work. In 2021, 1,151 people collaborated with WeWorld, 79% engaged on projects, and 21% in general support functions, such as communication and fundraising activities.

  • 0% In Italy and worldwide are women
  • 0% In Italy are women


Like all organisations, WeWorld interacts with a number of individuals or groups who influence or are influenced by our activities, also called stakeholders.

  • 386 are our partners
  • 466 other stakeholders

The donors

European Union is WeWorld’s largest institutional donor, with 48% of funds deriving from the EU. The funds received by the various agencies of the United Nations, on the other hand, correspond to 15%. The remaining quota of public funds come from the cooperation agencies of other countries (5%), from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (4%), and from Local Authorities (1%).

In line with the multi-annual goal of further differentiating our funds and building a coherent, effective and independent global intervention, we are working to expand the donations from individuals, companies, foundations and cooperatives, which in 2021 represent 22% of our funds

To download and read the Annual Report, click here

Social report prepared in accordance with art. 14 of Legislative Decree no. 117/2017