For over 50 years we have been working to guarantee the rights of women, girls and boys in 26 countries around the world, including Italy. We want a better world where everyone has equal opportunities and rights, access to resources, health, education and work.
The importance of educating for global citizenship education starting from the school years, is firmly upheld by the Sustainable Developmente Agenda 2030, which on its goal 4 recitates precisely: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. The project operates on the three axis of GCED: formal education, non-formal education […]
The project WORLD aims at encouraging intercultural dialogue with third countries and increasing tolerance through online people-to-people interactions, building on digital, youth-friendly technologies. The project will contribute to actively involve youth in advocate more effective and coherent climate change solutions at national, EU and international level through intercultural dialogue and participation processes taking into account gender perspective. The target group is focused on young people, students, young women (all aged 18-30 years old). […]